Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy (Developments in Sedimentology) by Octavian Catuneanu

Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy (Developments in Sedimentology) by Octavian Catuneanu

Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy (Developments in Sedimentology)

Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy (Developments in Sedimentology) by Octavian Catuneanu PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy provides an in-depth coverage and impartial assessment of all current ideas and models in the field of sequence stratigraphy. Even though widely popular among all groups interested in the analysis of sedimentary basin fills, both in academia and in the industry, sequence stratigraphy is yet a difficult undertaking due to an overwhelming jargon and the persistence of conflicting approaches as to how the sequence stratigraphic method should be applied to the rock record. This textbook examines the relationship between such conflicting approaches from the perspective of a unifying platform, demonstrating that sufficient common ground exists to eliminate terminology barriers and to facilitate communication between all practitioners of sequence stratigraphy.

This work is not only a review of past and current literature, but also includes key original viewpoints and is illustrated with new graphic material and numerous field examples of outcrop, core, well log and 3D seismic data in full colour. The book is addressed to anyone interested in understanding and applying the method of sequence stratigraphic analysis, from students to geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers. Sequence stratigraphy remains the most recent paradigm in the broad field of sedimentary geology, with tremendous potential to deciphering the record of global change and to improving the success of economic exploration.

* Offers theoretical guidelines of how the facies and time relationships are expected to be under specific circumstances such as subsidence patterns, sediment supply, topographic gradients, etc.
* Contains numerous high-quality and full-color diagrams, photographs and illustrations, virtually on every aid in comprehension of the subject
* Features a dedicated chapter on discussions and conclusions incorporating all previous chapters with references, basic principles and strategies
* Provides an extensive list of references for further reading, as well as an author and subject index for quick information access

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