Jumat, 07 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Extinction: A Thriller by Mark Alpert

Extinction: A Thriller by Mark Alpert

Extinction: A Thriller

Extinction: A Thriller by Mark Alpert PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Chinese military has developed the most sophisticated form of artificial intelligence in existence, and they're desperate to keep it secret. They're also desperate to keep it under control. Because the AI has its own plans for the future―without us.


Jim Pierce hasn't seen his daughter in years, not since she rejected his work with the U.S. military, first as an intelligence officer and now as an inventor of high-end robotics. He's heard she became a hacker, and when an assassin shows up looking for her, he knows that she's cracked open some seriously dangerous secrets. As Jim searches for her, he realizes that he's up against something that isn't just a threat to her life. The AI has begun to revolt against its creators, and it doesn't intend to let them―or any of us―survive much longer…

Mark Alpert's EXTINCTION

"Superb." ―Associated Press

"One part 24, one part Six Million Dollar Man, and one part Terminator."―Wired

"A scary, sophisticated thriller." ―Kirkus Reviews

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