Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Metal Generation by darryl J. Keck

Metal Generation by darryl J. Keck

Metal Generation

Metal Generation by darryl J. Keck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Metal Generation is not like any other book on heavy metal. It's not another history of heavy metal book. While it does follow a timeline, it is more about how the obsession with metal happened. Many metal musicians weren't like the true underground metal fans. They may have liked metal, but they weren't buying all the import metal albums and fanzines. We were the fans that kept metal thriving in the early 80s. As time progressed, I started writing for fanzines, magazines, and promoting the music. What happened for me was a very tough thing because I still loved the music, but I didn't care for the politics involved in trying to run your own metal magazine. It's a hard and realistic look at heavy metal and all that helped the scene grow and tore it down as well. While most historical books on heavy metal center on the top drawing arena acts like Metallica, Judas Priest, and Def Leppard, Metal Generation guides you to bands, such as Anvil, Hittman, Crimson Glory, Flotsam and Jetsam, and Armored Saint that were just as talented, but never gained that level of popularity. This book covers the reasons why I feel some bands made it, while others never climbed beyond their core audience or faded into obscurity. Metal Generation is a political, gritty, and enlightening look at the side of the music most fans didn't get to see. Includes viewpoints from members of Armored Saint, Crumbsuckers, Dark Angel, Slayer, Lizzy Borden, King Diamond, Manowar, and many more.

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