Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Social Psychology (Critical Thinking in Psychology Series) by Jane Callaghan, Lisa Lazard

Social Psychology (Critical Thinking in Psychology Series) by Jane Callaghan, Lisa Lazard

Social Psychology (Critical Thinking in Psychology Series)

Social Psychology (Critical Thinking in Psychology Series) by Jane Callaghan, Lisa Lazard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here

This introductory social psychology text addresses the core knowledge domains of the subject, with key chapters on understanding identities, attribution theory, attitudinal research, social influence, racism and prejudice, class and exclusions, methodologies of social psychology and discursive psychology. It provides concise and focused coverage of the central concepts, research and debates in this key area, while developing students' higher level skills.

Activities help readers build the underpinning generic critical thinking and transferable skills they need in order to become independent learners, and to meet the relevant requirements of their programme of study.

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