If I Play Better Tennis, Why Can't I Win? (Play Winning Tennis) by Julio Yacub
If I Play Better Tennis, Why Can't I Win? (Play Winning Tennis) by Julio Yacub PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What does it really take to be successful on the tennis court? What sets the pros apart from the rest of the crowd? Is there a secret formula, or is it just hard work? Can we become winners no matter what our circumstances, conditions, and backgrounds? In If I Play Better Tennis, Why CanÂ't I Win? Julio Yacub uncovers the keys of success to reach peak performance both on and off the tennis court. By following the principles in this book, you can accomplish your goals and dreams by gaining the mindset of a winner.
Learn how to make good decisions, how to block distractions to maximize your concentration, and how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. Enhance your emotional control, and find out how controlled stress can help you improve. Transform your daily personal life into a constant expression of kindness, love, and excitement...and understand how you really can win when you play better tennis!
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