Fuck Art, Just Tell The Story: How to make a movie in 6 easy steps - A comprehensive guide for the indie filmmaker by Phil Moore
Fuck Art, Just Tell The Story: How to make a movie in 6 easy steps - A comprehensive guide for the indie filmmaker by Phil Moore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Focusing on all aspects of the craft of filmmaking, this informative guide covers Scriptwriting, Performance, Cinematography & Design, Editing, Sound, and Direction. With an addendum that looks at Production and a number of frequently asked questions. With full colour illustrations and dozens of practical tips, the book covers all the technical aspects of writing, camera and sound that any independent filmmaker needs to know. Offering frank advice and creative solutions, drawn from years of practical experience as a filmmaker and teacher. This book explains in depth the tools of filmmaking, and how to use them to best tell your story. A total filmmaking school in single volume. It's not about Art, its about the craft of storytelling. And how you too can become a master of the filmmaking craft.From reader reviews:
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