Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Luba and the Wren (Picture Puffins) by Patricia Polacco

Luba and the Wren (Picture Puffins) by Patricia Polacco

Luba and the Wren (Picture Puffins)

Luba and the Wren (Picture Puffins) by Patricia Polacco PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When Luba helps a frightened wren, it promises to grant all of her wishes. "I am content, I have no wish," Luba says-at first. Then Luba's parents convince her to ask for a bigger house. After that, they want an estate, and later, they ask for a palace. With the granting of each wish Luba hopes her parents will be satisfied, but instead they only want more. Where will it end? This Russian version of The Fisherman and His Wife masterfully illustrates the rewards of simplicity and the dangers of greed.

"Polacco's freely brushed watercolors are bright with decorative borders, richly patterned clothing, and exotic onion domes." (Booklist)

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